The second part of our Marketing to Specifiers article. In Part 1 we set out how construction products have been marketed over the year. Today we offer ten ideas as to align marketing plans with the digital age.
The second part of our Marketing to Specifiers article. In Part 1 we set out how construction products have been marketed over the year. Today we offer ten ideas as to align marketing plans with the digital age.
Everything on the planet is going digital - this includes construction and how specifiers absorb information. This means we need to rethink how we market and sell products to a growing dominance of Generation Y. Below are 10 ideas to get manufacturers marketing aligned to the needs of Generation Y.
1. Build a digital plan
In a digital world, nothing you do should be in isolation. All information should be linked and aligned so that data can be collected and used effectively. Traditionally, we would have a number of campaigns which would be completely independent. The objective must always be to increase the number of times the product is specified and therefore purchased. A framework for data needs to be put in place so that information for all future campaigns can be gathered and interrogated. A decision needs to be made as to where all of this interest is focussed and what information you want to collect from your specifiers.
2. Burn the brochures
In our industry we like to print brochures - I'm not sure we know why but it’s something we’ve always done. The nearest industry I can think of is the travel industry where brochures are still produced even though most holidays are reviewed online. There is no place for brochures in a modern construction industry. They have a huge environmental impact, huge cost and are given to specifiers who don’t know where to put them. Everything you do needs to be digital so it can be stored by specifiers in their own digital library - this may be in the cloud or on their own device.
3. Everything in one place
Specifiers want information quickly, easily and accurately. They need to be able to move from pretty pictures to performance data and specification information quickly. They need digital versions of the component so it can be used in their model. Rather than websites, microsites and brochures, all information and communications need to come from a single source. This can be consumed anywhere, in any way, on any device. A cloud-based database can be accessed via multiple apps or web applications. Augmented and virtual reality, as well as BIM, can all be included.
4. Ditch the freebies
Marketing departments love a freebie. Branded corporate goods are a great way to spend your budget. The reality is it makes your brand look uninventive - if you have a branded pen or mug you come across as being in the pack. Why not try and do something different? Set yourself apart.
5. Stand out marketing
If you do anything make it stand out. Don't just market for the sake of it. Background noise is expensive and doesn't generate impact. If you are going to do something, link it to your brand. Be first to your customers with an idea. Send them a Kit Kat to take a break. Send them some chewing gum to chew things over. Many of these things are gimmicky but their purpose is to get noticed. It doesn't have to be relevant to the brand.
6. Grab the data
Modern marketing is all about the data. Make sure anything you do collects data. You need to track return investment. All of this data needs to be stored in the same way so that it can be mined in the future. Often we gather information which we’re not sure if we will, but just because we may find it useful in the future. As time goes on, the information will mature and marketing will become more precise and targeted.
7. Live in concert
Anyone who enjoys music will know that for artists to make money, in an Internet world they have to go on tour. The same is the case with construction marketing. The offer needs to be multi-channel. Smaller, more local events are more appropriate than huge trade shows with large footfall. Get down with your market and communicate your personality. Hold events, seminars and talks. Make them different and memorable and add some value.
8. More mobile
Whatever you do - make it mobile. We already know that glossy brochures are long gone. Everything needs to be accessible in anytime, anywhere. The modern specifier will be consuming information all day long. Encourage them to engage and build a relationship. Give them a reason to visit your app. Entice them with incentives or prizes, but don't forget they need to be cool. No branded mugs!
9. Don’t give up on the oldies
We talk a lot about baby boomers and how they struggle with all of this online stuff but don't write them all off. Many will see the balance shift and will get on board themselves and may even validate some of these commitments. Those with more experience in the industry may even surprise, so don't stereotype them.
10. Get out of the rut
Don't just take the easy route and do what you have always done. Don't just make your brochure better or buy a better mug. Make bold decisions. Cut out the analogue. Understand what your customers want, not what you think they do. Do things differently and make the changes you need to.
Go digital!
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