8 new components are now available for Reliance Water Controls
Reliance Water Controls are specialists in the design, distribution and technical support of advanced water control devices. They are a leading UK supplier to both the domestic and commercial plumbing and heating industry.
Reliance Water Control have recently introduced 8 new BIM components to their bimstore product portfolio!
Single Room, Thermoguard and Thermomix UFH Control Packs:
The single room UFH Control Pack has an integrated unit to control automatically underfloor heating temperatures in small areas and includes isolating valves as standard. The thermostatic unit gives excellent temperatures stability and ranges from 25 degrees C to 60 degrees C to cater for all types of floor constructions. The Thermomix UFH Control Pack is a compact bolt-on unit providing quick and simple installation as well as controlled mixed temperature water to underfloor heating systems.
Style Thermostatic Mixing Valve:
The Thermostatic mixing valve comes with a highly polished chrome finish and is easy to fit, access and maintain with a smart, streamlined appearance to compliment high quality finishes of the washroom or bathroom.
The TIUs are designed to be wall mounted and are manufactured either right hand of left hand variant, differentiated by the isolation valve. All main hydraulic connections are made through FBSP ball valves positioned at the top of the unit.
Reliance Water Controls have also introduced three more BIM components to bimstore:
Wanting to find out more about Reliance Water Controls?
Why not head over to their Manufacturer Profile here on bimstore to view their whole BIM product portfolio!
About bimstore: bimstore is the UK’s original BIM object library. Developed by specifiers for specifiers, we create and host high-quality manufacturer specific BIM content, making it easy to browse and download the world’s best collection of BIM components. If you need any help with BIM content creation, then get in touch with the bimstore team today.
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