Newest release takes bimbible to v13
At bimstore we believe that each and every piece of content should be created to the same high standards, which is why many moons ago we created the bimstore bimbible. At the time, we were in fact the only the content creator and distributor to openly publish its standards for BIM content.
The bimstore bimbible is a 45 page document which defines the guidelines and standards that we follow when creating models for our manufacturers’ BIM objects. This bible gives our content creators all the information they need in order to meet current UK standards on content creation and ensures that all BIM components are created to the highest possible quality.
Our bimbible has evolved over time and today we have just released v13 (Unlucky for some, fortunately we’re not superstitious...) and this new release sees several changes incorporated including updated references to Uniclass2015 and removal of Uniclass2 references, more clarity around importing from 3rd party software, references to Product Data Templates as well as increased clarity around BS8541:2. In addition, NBS references have been updated to align with the NBS Object Standards.
As has always been the case, our bimstore bimbible is available to download freely on our website at any time. Rumour has it; an alternative format of the bimbible is in the pipeline which will make usability of this fantastic resource even better! We’ll let you know as soon as that is available. In the meantime, why not check out the new and improved v13 for yourself by clicking here.
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Bimstore on 10 January 2025
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