In response to this, bimstore has developed Connect. A built-in marketing platform where audiences are defined by profession, product and location. A manufacturer has the ability to place their product in front of the right specifiers or connect with them directly with content or product news allowing them to maximise return on investment.
Using targeted marketing
Research has shown that 61% of businesses believe they engage customers with the right information, however, 56% of consumers believe businesses need to have a deeper understanding of their needs and 51% believe brands send too much irrelevant marketing material. Connect allows manufacturers to cut through the noise and provide specifiers with relevant objects and content that is aligned with their requirements.
Why use targeted marketing?
Cost – mass marketing campaigns are generally quite expensive whereas targeted marketing campaigns like Connect allow manufacturers to focus on people who are actually interested in their product.
Effectiveness – businesses who initiate targeted marketing campaigns with Connect only target a segment of the market that they believe will be interested in their product. As the market consists of people who are already interested in their business or product, the potential return on investment is higher than using a mass marketing campaign where everyone is targeted regardless of interest.
Loyal Customers – it is vital that manufacturers find and develop loyal customers. By continuing to focus on marketing strategies towards already-interested customers, they can be sure of repeat purchase with continual engagement.
Insight – targeted marketing within a certain area enables manufacturers to gain valuable insight into where their customers are located. This geographic targeting ability also develops loyal customers through increased engagement. Insight can be gained with regards to a customer’s wants and needs and feedback can be used to improve the customer experience and product development.
Learn more about bimstore Connect.
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