• Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Object, 14, Detail, Item, 2D, Cavity, Tray, Wall, Cavitray
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Type E Cavitrays

by Cavity Trays

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The Type E is a preformed DPC cavitray which is inserted into an existing cavity wall. The Type E requires only one course of bricks to be disturbed, with just a few bricks removed at any time. The self-contained Type E cavitrays are the length of two bricks, and clip together, so long runs are easily and quickly created. Preformed angles cater for corners and piers. Each unit has stand-alone discharge via a weep. Suitable for all popular cavity widths because the cavity upstand of the Type E is hinged and adjusts to always suit the ‘as-found’ cavity width. - See more at: http://www.cavitytrays.co.uk/damp-proofing/view/1/23/1/type-e-cavitray#sthash.bLbUhA1B.dpuf

This download is a 2D detail component created by bimstore.co.uk for Cavity Trays.

This component is created in Revit 2014 and is in line with 2015 industry standards.

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