• Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object,Free,Download,legrand,electric,floor,boxes,2,3,4,compartment,accessory,plate,slab,mounted,pre-wired,access,floor,service,outlet,RCD,electrak
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object,Free,Download,legrand,electric,floor,boxes,2,3,4,compartment,accessory,plate,slab,mounted,pre-wired,access,floor,service,outlet,RCD,electrak
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object,Free,Download,legrand,electric,floor,boxes,2,3,4,compartment,accessory,plate,slab,mounted,pre-wired,access,floor,service,outlet,RCD,electrak
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object,Free,Download,legrand,electric,floor,boxes,2,3,4,compartment,accessory,plate,slab,mounted,pre-wired,access,floor,service,outlet,RCD,electrak
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object,Free,Download,legrand,electric,floor,boxes,2,3,4,compartment,accessory,plate,slab,mounted,pre-wired,access,floor,service,outlet,RCD,electrak
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Electrak® Floor Boxes

by Legrand

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2, 3 and 4 compartment raised access floor boxes and slab boxes offer complete versatility. Floor boxes are available pre-wired with power track tap-off, or supplied empty (unassembled), with a choice of single or separate compartment bases and three depth options.

With a vast selection of power and data plates available, boxes can be tailored to the speciic requirements of each ofice installation.

This download includes the complete Electrak® Floor Boxes, and offers a range of versions, these include;

- Access Floor Service Outlets (2,3 & 4 Compartment)

- Slab Mounted Boxes (for 1,2,3 & 4 Compartments)

- Pre-Wired Access Floor Service Outlets (2,3 & 4 Compartment, with RCD protection)

Please reference the user guide and guidance notes include in the download as how to use the Electrak® Powertrack Underfloor Busbar System components

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