Stranlite Accousta Aggregate Blocks

  • Bim, Content, Object, Component, BIM, Store, Revit, Plasmor, Ltd, Wall, System, Blocks, Aggregate, Concrete
  • Bim, Content, Object, Component, BIM, Store, Revit, Plasmor, Ltd, Wall, System, Blocks, Aggregate, Concrete
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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit

STRANLITE ACCOUSTA BLOCK is a lightweight load bearing aggregate building block specifically manufactured to reduce the sound that passes through the product. The block is designed to be used in commercial applications laid flat at 215mm wide to reduce sound between compartments such as a factory to a suite of offices or a lift shaft to apartments.

STRANLITE ACCOUSTA BLOCK is manufactured with a unique grading and blend of materials including FBA (Furnace Bottom Ash) and Plasmor's man made Expanded Clay to limit the void spaces within the material matrix whilst keeping the handling of the product within a safe working limit and also delivering a high recycled aggregate content.

The unique quality of the product delivers extremely LOW AIR PERMEABILITY and MARKET LEADING SOUND REDUCTION FIGURES.

This download contains Revit component for Plasmor Ltd. Stranlite Accousta Aggregate Blocks Range.

These components have been craeted as a wall system family in revit 2014 and meet 2015 industry standards.

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