A range of bespoke colourful asphalt surfaces that are an attractive, durable and cost effective alternative to block paving, resin bound and bonded or other types of aesthetic surfacing. NatraTex® products are proprietary decorative hard landscaping materials, which uses a clear synthetic binder. NatraTex® uses the clear binder and natural aggregate to produce an attractive and durable surface. They combine this unique binder together with complimentary aggregates at our dedicated production facility to manufacture surfacing products in a range of different colours for many applications. The aggregates used range from flint to high skid resistant stone, if a PSV (Polished Stone Value) has been specified. Products boast long-term colour retention, are largely maintenance free are cost-effective when compared to other aesthetic systems. From concept stage to completion our knowledgeable team will assist in choosing the right product for your scheme.
Download Revit families and BIM objects for decorative landscaping and coloured surfaces on roads, footpaths, cycle paths, school playgrounds and parks.
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