by Kawneer
The AA®110 curtain wall system has been designed in line with the AA®100 system, the fundamental difference is the depth of the mullions and transoms. The AA®110 65mm system with its deeper glazing rebate meets the requirements for barrier loading and enables the facade to stand up to high levels of building movement.The AA®110 is suitable for vertical and sloped applications including faceted walls. As with the AA®100 system, the AA®110 also offers a range of construction methods, including zone-drainage and mullion-drainage.The AA®110 enables architects, assisted by our Architectural Advisers or Architectural Services Team, to identify the optimum curtain walling solutions and create inspirational architectural designs.
This download is for the Kawneer AA100 (50mm) Mullion Drained Curtain Wall System. It includes pre-configured curtain wall types for 5 types of face cap (square, rounded, bullnose, renovation & 'H' style).
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Bimstore on 28 March 2025
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