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Aerona³ - R32 Air Source Heat Pump - 13kW

by Grant UK

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Consisting of four single phase models –6kW, 10kW, 13kW and 17kW – the Aerona³ R32 heat pumps provide heating and hot water for properties. Each unit operates at high efficiencies even when the external temperatures are low, making for a cost effective renewable alternative to traditional off-gas heating methods. Furthermore, the Aerona³ heat pumps have minimal impact on their surroundings being compact in size and quiet in operation with both the 13kW
and 17kW models being awarded the Quiet Mark.

- Single phase with outputs from 6kW up to 17kW
- Global Warming Potential of 675 (70% less than R410A refrigerant)
- DC inverter driven
- In-built weather compensation
- In-built frost protection
Suitable for use with S & W-Plan heating control systems

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