• Product: AOOJ & AOOK Series - Supply And Extract Valves
  • Product: AOOJ & AOOK Series - Supply And Extract Valves
  • Product: AOOJ & AOOK Series - Supply And Extract Valves
  • Product: AOOJ & AOOK Series - Supply And Extract Valves
  • Product: AOOJ & AOOK Series - Supply And Extract Valves
  • Product: AOOJ & AOOK Series - Supply And Extract Valves
  • Product: AOOJ & AOOK Series - Supply And Extract Valves
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AOOJ & AOOK Series - Supply And Extract Valves

by Colman Air Distribution

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AOOJ & AOOK Series Supply And Extract Valves are an aesthetically pleasing terminal device which combine good appearance with accurate control over exhaust air volumes. The careful aerodynamic and acoustic design of the unit ensures low sound levels even at high pressure drop settings.

These valves are manufactured from high quality sheet steel with a RAL 9010 finish and can be easily installed with the aid of the mounting ring, which is supplied with sealing gasket with every unit.

These units can be used for toilet extract, or any extract point requiring an accurate and easily set air volume. Units with fusible links are available to order. Plenum boxes are not supplied.

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