• Product: B Series Floor Swirl Diffuser
  • Product: B Series Floor Swirl Diffuser
  • Product: B Series Floor Swirl Diffuser
  • Product: B Series Floor Swirl Diffuser
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B Series Floor Swirl Diffuser

by Colman Air Distribution

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The B series floor/swirl diffusers are designed for use in raised access flooring systems where the floor cavity is used as a pressurised supply air plenum.

The B series floor/swirl diffusers are manufactured from both fire retardant U/L 94 compliant Polycarbonate, or Aluminium.

The B series core design achieves a local ventilation within the occupied zone of 1.80 m. Where a specific room air condition is required to maintain optimum comfort conditions for people or machinery. Above this zone, a warm air cushion develops below the ceiling where the warm and used-up air can be collected and extracted.

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