Beam & Block

  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Generic, Model, Object, 13, Forterra, Building, Products, Ltd, Beam, Block, BT02, RD09, T008
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Generic, Model, Object, 13, Forterra, Building, Products, Ltd, Beam, Block, BT02, RD09, T008
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Generic, Model, Object, 13, Forterra, Building, Products, Ltd, Beam, Block, BT02, RD09, T008
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Generic, Model, Object, 13, Forterra, Building, Products, Ltd, Beam, Block, BT02, RD09, T008
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Generic, Model, Object, 13, Forterra, Building, Products, Ltd, Beam, Block, BT02, RD09, T008
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Generic, Model, Object, 13, Forterra, Building, Products, Ltd, Beam, Block, BT02, RD09, T008
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Generic, Model, Object, 13, Forterra, Building, Products, Ltd, Beam, Block, BT02, RD09, T008
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Generic, Model, Object, 13, Forterra, Building, Products, Ltd, Beam, Block, BT02, RD09, T008
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1 Revision

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit

Beam and Block is the traditional solution for cost effective suspended floors. It is suitable for use on ground and upper storeys on all kinds of construction, from residential to commercial buildings.

This download includes the Beam & Block Floor System from Forterra Building Products Limited and includes various versions to suit your project application.

Please refer to the provided user guide for guidance on how to use the Beam & Block Floor content.

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