• Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, object, FSC Certified, FSC, BBA Approved, BBA, Norbord, Chipboard, Particleboard, CaberFloor ,P5, CaberDek, CaberShield+, ContiBoard
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CaberFloor Range

by West Fraser Europe Limited

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The trusted flooring system CaberBoard is well known in the construction industry and comprises of several chipboard options;

CaberFloor P5 - a high-strength wood particleboard engineered for all domestic and most other floors.

CaberDek - An 18mm or 22mm thickness flooring panel offering increased protection from the elements, CaberDek combines the UK’s market leading particleboard flooring with a tough, waterproof and slip-resistant film.

CaberShield Eco - An advanced product designed for the unpredictable British weather. Our P5 chipboard is coated on one side with a tough, UV cured waterproof coating. The top side is slip resistant to ensure a safe working platform. 

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