by shentongroup
Combined heat and power (CHP) integrates the production of usable heat and power (electricity), in one single, highly efficient process.
CHP generates electricity whilst also capturing usable heat that is produced in this process. This contrasts with conventional ways of generating electricity where vast amounts of heat is simply wasted.
shentongroup’s highly efficient Cento series benefits from having Tedom’s own built in-house, high performance reciprocating gas engines. Available to run on a variety of gas fuels including natural gas, LPG & Biogas. As standard the Cento range offers high performance electrical efficiency, fully modulating output between 50-100% and available as open frame, indoor canopy and outdoor canopy to suit a range of environments. Bespoke low noise options are also available. Once in operation the Cento range is supported by sophisticated web remote monitoring and a 27 month warranty as standard.
The Cento range can be used as a standalone generation plant or multiple units can be run in synch, utilising high-end digital controllers which makes synchronising with the mains simple and trouble free.
This download includes the complete Cento T Combined Heat & Power range, and offers a range of variations to match your project application, these include;
Please reference the user guide and guidance notes include in the download as how to use the Cento T Combined Heat & Power components.
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Bimstore on 12 March 2025
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