Superglass Cladding Mat is a resilient, lightweight and non-combustible glass mineral wool insulation roll with exceptional durability and high tear strength. The roll is supplied 1200mm wide to allow quick installation and minimum on-site cutting and waste.
Superglass Cladding Mat is designed to provide thermal and acoustic insulation in the walls and roofs of profiled metal clad buildings and portable buildings.
Thermal Performance – Superglass Cladding Mat has a thermal conductivity of 0.032W/mK, 0.035W/mK, 0.037W/mK & 0.040W/mK.
Fire Performance -All Superglass products are deemed non-combustible and have a fire classification of A1 (the highest possible rating) when tested to BS EN 13501-1 Reaction to Fire.
This download includes the Cladding Mat insulation range from Superglass.
The Cladding Mat range includes Cladding Mat 32, Cladding Mat 35, Cladding Mat 37 and Cladding Mat 40.
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