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Coffee Machine Dispenser

by Adam Ward

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A coffee machine dispenser shaped like a large coffee cup similar to as found in Lidl Stores in the UK. This is a 100% revit object but does not have any parametric control and does not include any data. Designed for Conceptual design and visualization purposes, although would be easily modified to be manufacturer or brand specific.

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This content has been created by a user of Bimstore and as such may not meet the strict quality or data standards that our genuine Bimstore content comply with. By downloading this object you understand this and use this content in your project at your own risk.

This content has been authored by Adam Ward of bimstore and they have agreed to share this with the Bimstore community. Full copyright and ownership of this content remains with its author unless otherwise stated.

Any questions, comments or feedback should be directed to the model author. You can message through their profile.

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1 Revision

Last Updated


Available Software
  • Logo: Autodesk Revit







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