• Bim, Revit, 2014, Components, Frame, Dortek, Hinged, Doors, Stainless, Steel, Hygienic, Window, Internal, 30, 60, 120, Minutes, Fire, Rating
  • Bim, Revit, 2014, Components, Frame, Dortek, Hinged, Doors, Stainless, Steel, Hygienic, Window, Internal, 30, 60, 120, Minutes, Fire, Rating
  • Bim, Revit, 2014, Components, Frame, Dortek, Hinged, Doors, Stainless, Steel, Hygienic, Window, Internal, 30, 60, 120, Minutes, Fire, Rating
  • Bim, Revit, 2014, Components, Frame, Dortek, Hinged, Doors, Stainless, Steel, Hygienic, Window, Internal, 30, 60, 120, Minutes, Fire, Rating
  • Bim, Revit, 2014, Components, Frame, Dortek, Hinged, Doors, Stainless, Steel, Hygienic, Window, Internal, 30, 60, 120, Minutes, Fire, Rating
  • Bim, Revit, 2014, Components, Frame, Dortek, Hinged, Doors, Stainless, Steel, Hygienic, Window, Internal, 30, 60, 120, Minutes, Fire, Rating
  • 9.8k
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Dortek Hygienic Observations Windows – Fire Rated

by Dortek

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Manufactured to suit both traditional built and modular wall systems the Dortek cleanroom fire window complies with GMP/GLP requirements. Units can be offered with integral blinds, smartglass and fire rating independently tested to European Norm (EN) 1364.

Each observation window is constructed to the customers’ requirements within the maximum size constraints specified. Please contact Dortek direct for further information regarding alternate dimensions to the ones provided.

This Download is for the Dortek Hygienic Observation Windows - Fire Rated, containing 30 Minutes Fire Rating, 60 Minutes Fire Rated, 120 Minutes Fire Rated, and 180 Minutes FIre Rating.

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