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DuPont™ AirGuard® Control

by DuPont™ Tyvek®

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Reduce Air Leakage with a Durable Vapour Control Barrier

DuPont™ AirGuard® Control is designed to reduce uncontrolled air leakage and minimise convective heat loss in roofs, walls and floors.

DuPont™ AirGuard® Control

A continuous layer of DuPont™ AirGuard® Control reduces air leakage by providing an effective vapour control barrier to control air movement and moisture infiltration around the habitable space of the building.


  • Controls air movement
  • Effective vapour control barrier
  • Transparent, able to see fixing points
  • Water vapour transmission (sd) 5m
  • Light weight
  • Superior mechanical strength


  • Reduced convective heat losses
  • Reduced risk of condensation in the insulation
  • Transparency for easier installation of insulation
  • Limited vapour transmission
  • Easy to install
  • Reduced risk of damage or air penetration
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