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DuPont™ AirGuard® Reflective

by DuPont™ Tyvek®

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Boost Thermal Insulation With a Strong Reflective Vapour Barrier

DuPont™ AirGuard® Reflective is a low emissivity internal vapour barrier that combined with an airgap can enhance thermal comfort by reflecting up to 95% of radiant heat back into the building. 

DuPont™ AirGuard® Reflective

This strong 100% airtight vapour barrier is specially designed to give maximum thermal performance. Recommended for use with Tyvek® Reflex products, AirGuard® Reflective provides a good way to improve U-values in buildings. A highly vapour and water-resistant low emissivity internal vapour barrier, it considerably reduces interstitial condensation as well as improves thermal efficiency by reflecting up to 95% of radiant heat.


  • Water vapour transmission (sd) 2000m
  • Reflective surface
  • Superior mechanical strength
  • BBA-Approved


  • Considerably reduces risk of condensation into the insulation
  • Considerably reduces convective heat losses
  • Durability
  • Independently certified, showing aged results
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