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DuPont™ Tyvek® Firecurb® Housewrap

by DuPont™ Tyvek®

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Add Built-in Safety with a Fire Retardant Membrane

Tyvek® FireCurb® Housewrap is a fire-retardant membrane for commercial and residential buildings that uses new, patented technology.

DuPont™ Tyvek® FireCurb® Housewrap

DuPont™ Tyvek® FireCurb® Housewrap is a lightweight, advanced, fire retardant membrane that self-extinguishes when ignited. It uses a halogen-free flame-retardant coating to reduce the formation of droplets and smoke with minimal environmental impact.

Tyvek® FireCurb® Housewrap takes the airtight and watertight yet vapour-open breather membranes of Tyvek® membranes and adds flame retardancy properties that can significantly increase building safety. Suitable for use in all building types, from bungalows to high-rises, Tyvek® FireCurb® Housewrap offers an outstanding long-term protection solution you can trust.


  • Low flammability & self-extinguishing when ignited
  • Halogen-free flame-retardant coating
  • Includes all previous Tyvek® characteristics
  • CE Marking and BBA certified


  • Limited contribution to fire and propagation of flames
  • Greater safety during and after installation
  • Considerably limits the formation of droplets and reduces smoke
  • Energy-efficient and condensation free building
  • Independently certified
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