Protect Your Roof with a Metal Roofing Underlay
DuPont™ Tyvek® Metal is a roofing drainage underlay which drains away the condensation that can build up beneath the cladding on standing seam metal roofs.
DuPont™ Tyvek® Metal
Tyvek® Metal roofing underlay is vapour-permeable, yet water-resistant and airtight. When used in combination with genuine Tyvek® accessories it can help to reduce condensation, improve overall airtightness, add thermal efficiency, and protect structural integrity.
Besides allowing condensation beneath stainless steel, aluminium, copper, and zinc roofs to drain away, Tyvek® Metal also reduces sound transmission such as rain clatter, and minimises material stress by permitting a degree of movement between the cladding and the timber beneath.
Metal roof underlay
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Bimstore on 14 March 2025
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