• Product: DWT Series Swirl Diffuser
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DWT Series Swirl Diffuser

by Colman Air Distribution

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The DWT Series of swirl diffusers have been designed for the supply of cooled or warmed air to a wide range of commercial applications.

A high level of induction is achieved allowing supplied air to mix more thoroughly with room air, closer to the diffuser.

By adjusting the setting of individual radial nozzles different distribution patterns can be created. A matching extract version is also available without nozzles.

The diffuser comprises a circular array of black plastic supply nozzles fitted within a square steel panel. Nominal size is determined by the number of nozzles and the overall face size of the diffuser.

All diffuser sizes are available within a 594mm square panel to fit directly into 600mm square T-bar suspended ceiling systems.

Smaller nominal sizes may be supplied within 294mm square, 394mm square or 494mm square panels. The DWT Series diffusers can be supplied with matching side or top entry plenum boxes, with or without perforated volume control dampers.

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