• Product: Eurodekor Faced Chipboard - Metallics, Stones and Fabrics
  • Product: Eurodekor Faced Chipboard - Metallics, Stones and Fabrics
  • Product: Eurodekor Faced Chipboard - Metallics, Stones and Fabrics
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EGGER Eurodekor® Faced Chipboard (MFC) E1 P2 - Metallic, Stone and Fabric Reproductions

by EGGER (UK) Limited

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EGGER Eurodekor® Faced Chipboard (MFC) is constructed from a decorative paper covering to both sides of a chipboard core. This pre-bonded finished material requires no further fabrication expect edging, which is available in matching decors. MFC is ideal for a wide variety of vertical and horizontal applications such as cupboards, cabinetry, desking, shelving, panelling, case goods and wardrobes. 

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1 Revision

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