• Product: Electric Operated Curtain Track 5600
  • Product: Electric Operated Curtain Track 5600
  • Product: Electric Operated Curtain Track 5600
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Electric Operated Curtain Track 5600

by Silent Gliss

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The world's most silent curtain track

Quiet, fast mains powered motor which can be mounted on the track in four different directions

Light to heavy weight curtains, straight and bent applications

Smooth operation, soft start, soft stop

Manual override operation possible in case of power failure

"Touch and Go": slight fabric pull to start curtain movement

Automatic obstacle detection to protect fabric

Easy manual / automatic end stop programming

Permanent positioning sensor, keeps end positions without power

Colours: white (standard), silver

Ceiling, wall and recess fitting, bendable recess profile available

Options: Wave, radio remote control systems SG 9940/0450, app control

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1 Revision

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit





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