• Product: Elite Radiator
  • Product: Elite Radiator
  • Product: Elite Radiator
  • Product: Elite Radiator
  • Product: Elite Radiator
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Elite Radiator

by Stelrad Radiators Ltd

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The UK’s most popular radiator has received substantial investment to provide increased quality and performance. Which means that the Stelrad Elite now offers improved outputs for exceptional heating performance.

As a measure of the all round dependable quality and performance, Stelrad Elite comes complete with a 10 year Manufacturer’s Warranty.

A range of 183 models provides extra sizing flexibility to cover a multitude of application requirements. The Elite also offers one of the slimmest double panel radiators at just 77mm wide.

Flexibility of installation doesn’t just mean greater choice of sizing either. There are specifically designed accessories, such as floor standing brackets, to ensure that Stelrad Elite can be fitted anywhere.

Symmetrical convectors allow radiator mounting either way up. TBOE connection is offered as an important facility in commercial applications and to ensure greater efficiency and economy, the convectors are precision welded directly onto the waterways.

This download contains all types of the Elite radiator, K1, K2, K3, P+, P1.

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