• Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Generic, Model, Object, 14, Recticel, insulation, Products, PIR, Foam, Board, thermal, Euro, Wall, Plus
  • 10.7k
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Eurowall + is an innovative full fill cavity wall solution that changes the way your wall works without changing the way you work. It has been certified by the BBA (certificate number 02/3908), and also benefits from LABC Registered Detail certification (detail EWW620). A nominal 10mm clear cavity leaves space for conventional bricklaying techniques, giving enough room to 'roll' the outer leaf bricks into place, meaning bricklayers’ work takes the same time to complete. Meanwhile, a tongue and groove joint on all four edges ensures that boards lock tightly together, minimising heat loss through thermal bridging. The unique joint offers increased protection against wind driven rain, as well as improved air tightness.

Using 90mm Eurowall + in a 100mm overall cavity can help to achieve a U-value of 0.18 W/m²K. Existing wall designs can therefore be maintained, avoiding increased building footprints or reduced room sizes.

This download includes the Eurowall + range from Recticel Insulation Products.

The Eurowall + range includes thicknesses from 75mm to 140mm.

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