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  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object,Free,Download,Quinn,Building.Products,material,insulation,block,external,wall,floor,masonry,cavity,full,fill,block,bearing,above,slab,lite,QF,therm
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object,Free,Download,Quinn,Building.Products,material,insulation,block,external,wall,floor,masonry,cavity,full,fill,block,bearing,above,slab,lite,QF,therm
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object,Free,Download,Quinn,Building.Products,material,insulation,block,external,wall,floor,masonry,cavity,full,fill,block,bearing,above,slab,lite,QF,therm
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object,Free,Download,Quinn,Building.Products,material,insulation,block,external,wall,floor,masonry,cavity,full,fill,block,bearing,above,slab,lite,QF,therm
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External Masonry Cavity Wall (Suspended Beam & Block Floor)

by Quinn Building Products

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Quinn Building Products BIM Object System for External Masonry Cavity Wall. Full Fill. Suspended beam and block floor - Insulation above slab.

This systems contains a full fill Quinn Therm PIR board. Engineered to eliminate the cavity construction.

The Quinn Therm full fill board features a rebated edge profile to stop water regress.

Quinn Lite blocks are used for the inner leaf of the wall construction, dramatically reducing thermal bridging. Psi Value – 0.056Wall U Value – 0.18 W/m²K

Quinn BIM Object Systems are modelled on accredited construction details prepared for the Aircrete Products Association by the BBA and RDL. Quinn BIM Object Systems provide multiple Quinn products in a structured format, native to the authoring application, to optimise workflows and provide advanced performance data. Each system is accompanied with a detail drawn in the native authoring application.


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