• Revit, BIM, Furniture, Family, UK, British, Furnishings, Seating, Interior, Design, Assemblyroom, assembly, room, sofa, Finsbury
  • Revit, BIM, Furniture, Family, UK, British, Furnishings, Seating, Interior, Design, Assemblyroom, assembly, room, sofa, Finsbury
  • Revit, BIM, Furniture, Family, UK, British, Furnishings, Seating, Interior, Design, Assemblyroom, assembly, room, sofa, Finsbury
  • Revit, BIM, Furniture, Family, UK, British, Furnishings, Seating, Interior, Design, Assemblyroom, assembly, room, sofa, Finsbury
  • 7.5k
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by Assemblyroom

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The Finsbury range is a classic collection that comprises of an armchair, a 2 seater and a 3 seater sofa. The design of the Finsbury draws its influence from 1950s utilitarian design and offers a refined chair that is both comfortable and timelessManufactured in the UK, the Finsbury range is handmade using traditional upholstery techniques; the frames are constructed from FSC timber & plywood, covered with graded CMHR foam and upholstered in a variety of contract grade fabrics, which are available in a wide range of colours.

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1 Revision

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit





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