• Product: Framery 2Q
  • Product: Framery 2Q
  • Product: Framery 2Q
  • Product: Framery 2Q
  • Product: Framery 2Q
  • Product: Framery 2Q
  • Product: Framery 2Q
  • Product: Framery 2Q
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Framery 2Q

by Framery

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The soundproof room for teams of up to 6

The Framery 2Q meeting pod is designed for 4-6 people, making it the ideal place to co-create, brainstorm and have meetings. Our superior sound insulation system ensures that your meetings won’t disturb the office – and the office noise won’t disturb you.

Superior sound insulation
Quality materials deliver on the acoustic promises. A combination of sustainably sourced materials, patented technology and signature design creates an award winning result.

It’s handsome – inside and out
The much admired signature design of Framery meeting pods fit naturally in open offices. Our colour schemes and accessories to fit all styles and needs, while sustainable high-quality materials guarantee a quality user experience.

Fresh air feeds happiness
Patented innovations make Framery pods a happy place to be and meet. Inside it’s always quiet and the air is always fresh.

Click here to visit Framery for more information.

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1 Revision

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit
  • Logo: Graphisoft Archicad
  • Logo: CAD

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