• Product: G Series - Transfer Grilles
  • Product: G Series - Transfer Grilles
  • Product: G Series - Transfer Grilles
  • Product: G Series - Transfer Grilles
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G Series - Transfer Grilles

by Colman Air Distribution

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Within our range of Transfer Grilles, there are three designs of frame and four styles of core providing flexibility of installation, choice of appearance and functionality. In its most simplest format, one of the three steel cores can be supplied loose for beading into the aperture, alternatively the core can be supplied with a ‘U’ channel panel frame.

When mounted into a door, our telescopic frame can facilitate a door thickness between 28 and 52mm, with light tight or vision proof cores to meet the application requirement. Model GPS is a Pressed Steel Grille suitable for use with a selection of time rated fire blocks and complies to BS 476 part 20.

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit





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