• Product: Glidevale Protect AT601 Righthand Blockwork Abutment Tray
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Glidevale Protect AT601 Righthand Blockwork Abutment Tray

by Glidevale Protect

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A Right Handed Blockwork Tray. AT Trays for abutments to blockwork are available in three sizes for different roof pitches and course heights. The AT100 Connector Unit is used to weather the vertical face of all blocks between trays. Abutment trays offer preformed cavity tray solutions at the junction where the sloping edge of a pitched roof abuts a wall. Part of the innovative Glidevale Protect Cavity Tray range offering many advantages over other systems. Intermediate trays are handed, with an upstand at one end preventing water from entering the cavity. Each tray has an integral weep to divert water safely on the roof covering. Availible in unleaded, short lead or long lead.

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