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GRS DUO 15 - Radiator Pipe Guide & Seal

by Manthorpe Building Products

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The GRS-DUO-15 is designed to prevent air leakage at pipework penetrations behind a radiator that is plumbed with 15mm flexible plastic barrier pipework, commonly used for central heating systems in modern buildings with Air Source Heat Pumps installed. Along with limiting air leakage through the penetration and producing an attractive finish to the detail, the product also acts as a guide for the pipework as it exits from behind the wall and transitions below the radiator to the valve points at the outer corners, eliminating the risk of kinks and chafing along the exposed run of pipe.

The patent pending twin plate design allows for a robust mounting point for the pipework at the first fix plumbing phase, with the subsequent penetration through the plasterboard behind the radiator then covered and sealed against air leakage during the course of the second fix.

The versatility of the system allows it to be installed in a wide range of details and with both blockwork and stud wall constructions. The unique single central fixing of the sealing cover plate can also be secured directly to the rear mount plate rather than into the surrounding plasterboard, which removes the need for plasterboard fixings near to the cut edge of the pipework opening. The mount plate offers a series of fixing locations to also allow the system to be fitted securely with a variety of plasterboard and radiator offsets.

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