• Product: GSP Series - Security Grilles
  • Product: GSP Series - Security Grilles
  • Product: GSP Series - Security Grilles
  • Product: GSP Series - Security Grilles
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GSP Series - Security Grilles

by Colman Air Distribution

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Colman model GSP is a robust, high quality Security Grille designed for use as a supply or extract grille in various applications where tamperproof features are required.

The GSP core is manufactured from 3mm mild steel perforated plate, having 3mm holes on a 5mm pitch with a free area of 37%. We can supply an opposed blade volume control damper operated through the face [plate with an Allen key. Grilles can be supplied with a galvanised steel sleeve and plenum box suitable for fixing through a compartment wall or ceiling. The plenum box can be provided with a camera access hole.

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