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Heatguard TMV3-8 Thermostatic Mixing Valve

by Reliance Valves

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Range of high performance TMV3 approved thermostatic mixing valves, fully approved by Buildcert to the NHS D08 specification for thermostatic mixing valves in healthcare premises.

The valves blend hot and cold water to ensure stable, safe outlet temperatures and prevent the risk of scalding. Rapid fail-safe shut off in the event of hot or cold supply failure.

Available with 2in1 or 4in1 fittings, in 15mm or 22mm connection sizes (or ‘universal’ models with connections for either 15 or 22mm: same dimensions as 22mm models).

WRAS approved.

HEAT160015 – 2in1 fittings, 15mm connections

HEAT160020 – 2in1 fittings, 22mm connections

HEAT160030 – 4in1 fittings, 15mm connections

HEAT160035 – 4in1 fittings, 22mm connections

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