• Bim, BIM, Store, Revit, PC, P C, Henderson, Door, Face, Single, 50, Husky
  • Bim, BIM, Store, Revit, PC, P C, Henderson, Door, Face, Single, 50, Husky
  • Bim, BIM, Store, Revit, PC, P C, Henderson, Door, Face, Single, 50, Husky
  • Bim, BIM, Store, Revit, PC, P C, Henderson, Door, Face, Single, 50, Husky
  • Bim, BIM, Store, Revit, PC, P C, Henderson, Door, Face, Single, 50, Husky
  • 30.3k
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Husky 50-Face Single

by P C Henderson Limited

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P C Henderson's Husky Sliding 50 caters for wooden, wood framed, composite and metal doors weighing up to 50kg

  • Ideal for medium weight room partitions and wardrobe doors weighing up to 50kg
  • Cater for doors with a maximum width of up to 1250mm 

  • Kit comes complete with track, face fixed brackets, hangers, guide, clips stop and track stop

  • Included clip stop which holds door in open or closed position

  • Available with a choice of steel, aluminium or anodised aluminium track

  • System can be faced fixed or soffit fixed to allow for flexibility of installation

  • Available with an integrated dual soft close and open to prevent slamming doors 

  • A Simultaneous Action kit is available for biparting doors - simply move one door and the other will move simultaneously 

  • Installation video available here 

This download is for the P C Henderson Husky 50-Face Single Door and contains the following types;

  • H50/15 - 1500mm track 
  • H50/18 - 1800mm track 
  • H50/20 - 2000mm track
  • H50/24 - 2400mm track
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