Hydronic Balancing is the process of optimizing the distribution of water in a building's heating or cooling system so it provides the intended indoor climate at optimum energy efficiency and minimal operating cost.
A well balanced hydraulic water system is highly important for HVAC and process systems with separated circuits or several groups and pumps. The successful removal of air and dirt also contributes towards the achievement of optimum system performance. Hydraulic balancing and air and dirt separation are combined in the Hydronic Header.
Magnetic Low Velocity/Loss headers are an extended development from Magnetic Microbubble Air & Dirt Separators. The use of LV/LH's has developed as the norm to be specified in particular with condensing boilers and boilers of low water content where Magnetite and sludge particles can easily damage the system. Some end up being fabricated on site. Whilst not being totally ineffective they do not contain the factory produced internal membranes to cause micro air bubbles to rise to the top and magnetite and dirt to fall to the bottom.
This download includes the Fabricated Products Hydraulic Separator range in 9no. size variations ranging from SS HY50 up to SS HY300.
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Bimstore on 23 February 2025
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