• Product: IndAC2 Industrial Air Curtain
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IndAC2 Industrial Air Curtain

by Biddle Air Systems

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Optimal climate separation

The Biddle IndAC2 air curtain is the perfect solution for climate separation in industrial buildings. The IndAC2 air curtain can be used for climate separation between indoor and outdoor environments and for indoor climate separation. This product can help to improve comfort levels, boost moral efficiency, whether it be in warehouse or high tech manufacturing plant.


Easy logistics

The IndAC2 keeps the entrance accessible with faster and safer logistics as a result.


Energy savings

Equipped with an automatic control option, the IndAC2 continuously chooses the correct settings. In combination with the stepless fans, this automatic control ensures that the air curtain always functions at the right speed, resulting in optimal separation efficiency and significant energy savings. 


Why choose IndAC2?

  • Optimal climate separation
  • Easy logistics: safer and faster
  • Comfortable working conditions
  • Energy savings: exact settings & maximum efficiency
  • Automatic controls
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