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Individual Desk - 60 Degree T41

by Zioxi

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For agile and adaptable learning spaces – the original t41 tables.  In rows, waves, collaborative groups, individual desks, clustered round a mobile power and data hub for ICT or flip the top up and stack them together to clear a space – you’re in control.  Tip top classroom table with wheels for horizontal stacking or fixed top without wheels.  To create agile, adaptable & flexible classrooms, breakout spaces and learning spaces.

t41 Individual Student Table 60° – wedge shape t41, allows six to cluster in a circle around an zioxi Wireless Power Hub as required.

t41 Individual Student Table 180° – square shaped t41, offers endless layout options when combined with the t41 60° table.

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1 Revision

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit





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