• Product: Intra weep abutment trays for brickwork
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Intra weep abutment trays for brickwork

by Glidevale Protect

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A comprehensive range of cavity trays designed for use in brick, block or random stone external masonry walls.

Installed at the junction where the sloping edge of a pitched roof abuts a wall i.e. where the external wall becomes an internal wall below the roofline. 

NHBC Standards and BS 8215 specifically recommend the use of preformed abutment cavity trays for this application.

Features & benefits

  • Integral roof pitch markings on brickwork trays.
  • Integral weepholes to promote active drainage.
  • Self supporting cavity upstand avoids the need for the tray to be built into the internal masonry wall.
  • Fleximouth Mortar Barrier on brickwork trays provides a clear void for fitting separate roof flashings without the use of masonry saws.
  • Corner catchment set for return abutment detailing, reduces the visual impact of the return cover flashing
  • Available with or without pitch dedicated, factory fitted Aluflash or lead flashings.
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1 Revision

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit





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