• Bim, content, object, component, BIM, Store, Revit, original, library, family, families, marshall,concrete, Kerbs, Flat, Top, Edging, Half, Battered, 2, Bullnosed, Dished, Channel, Square
  • Bim, content, object, component, BIM, Store, Revit, original, library, family, families, marshall,concrete, Kerbs, Flat, Top, Edging, Half, Battered, 2, Bullnosed, Dished, Channel, Square
  • Bim, content, object, component, BIM, Store, Revit, original, library, family, families, marshall,concrete, Kerbs, Flat, Top, Edging, Half, Battered, 2, Bullnosed, Dished, Channel, Square
  • Bim, content, object, component, BIM, Store, Revit, original, library, family, families, marshall,concrete, Kerbs, Flat, Top, Edging, Half, Battered, 2, Bullnosed, Dished, Channel, Square
  • 19.6k
  • 0
  • 5 / 5
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by Marshalls Plc

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Marshalls Kerbs are designed to create separation and visual demarcationbetween carriageways, footpaths and cycleways. They provide physicalcontainment of the pavement construction and also aid the direction ofsurface water runoff into drainage systems.

Kerbs can significantly improve the final appearance of a project tocomplement the rest of the scheme. The use of kerbs can also promotetraffic calming, aiding vehicle drivers, pedestrian users and cyclists,creating safer communities to the benefit of everyone.

This download contains the Marshalls Plc concrete kerb ranges which includes;

  • Flat Top Edging
  • Half Battered
  • Half Battered 2
  • Bullnosed
  • Dished Channel
  • Square Channel
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1 Revision

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