• Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, Object, Hot, Cold, Water, Kiosk, Pedestal, Fan, Convector, Smiths, Environmental, Products, Heat, Cool
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, Object, Hot, Cold, Water, Kiosk, Pedestal, Fan, Convector, Smiths, Environmental, Products, Heat, Cool
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, Object, Hot, Cold, Water, Kiosk, Pedestal, Fan, Convector, Smiths, Environmental, Products, Heat, Cool
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Kiosk Pedestal Fan Convector

by Smith's Environmental Products

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A new range of freestanding convector pedestal heaters, Kiosk, Trafalgar, and Tube in a variety of shapes, lengths and finishes


- Perfect for beneath large windows, Smith’s freestanding pedestal heaters help to minimise the problem of downward cold airflow commonly associated with glazed façades

- Fitting into the smallest of spaces Smith’s range of freestanding pedestal heaters provide a stylish solution without the need for wall hung heaters

- Minimal height of max. 206mm and lengths from 0.5m to 2m

- Without fan for dry and wet environments

- Perfect for where sub-floor trench heating is not possible

- Heat source: boiler or heat pump

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