• Product: L Series Circular Diffuser
  • Product: L Series Circular Diffuser
  • Product: L Series Circular Diffuser
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L Series Circular Diffuser

by Colman Air Distribution

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Colman’s L Series range of aluminium circular diffusers have been designed to provide an attractive and flexible solution to a wide variety of air distribution requirements.

With adjustable cores, the range is suitable for most commercial or industrial applications. The units are available in sizes starting from 150mm and increasing in increments of 50mm to a maximum size of 500mm.

No size 450mm unit is available. The units have a wide multi-step adjustment of vanes allowing entirely horizontal or vertical air flows to be set depending on ceiling height.

The units are manufactured from spun aluminium and can be supplied with optional equalising grids or volume control dampers.

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1 Revision

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit





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