This download is for the, Shield®: post-formed, PVC, unequal double leaf internal door assembly from Starbank Panel Products Ltd.
Shield® door assembly components are BM Trada Q-Mark® third party certified with primary test evidence to BS 476: part 22.
You can configure our Shield® door assembly components to meet either NFR, FD30 or FD60 rated specifications. Components are available in a variety of configurations, material options and colours and can be supplied with additional features including: flush vision panels, fire & smoke seals, and cnc preparation for all essential ironmongery if required. With a choice of postformed frame constructions to suit, our Shield® BIM components provide the Door industry with solutions for the commercial, leisure, healthcare & education sectors.
Our friendly and experienced team are on hand to advise the most suitable solution for your project needs, so please get in touch today.
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Bimstore on 12 March 2025
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