• Product: Metropolitan Cooling Powered Trench Units
  • Product: Metropolitan Cooling Powered Trench Units
  • Product: Metropolitan Cooling Powered Trench Units
  • Product: Metropolitan Cooling Powered Trench Units
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Metropolitan Cooling Powered Trench Units

by SPC

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Installed beneath floor-to-ceiling windows to enhance comfort levels. Suitable for installation in screeded or suspended floors.

Metropolitan Cooling Powered Trench Units are suitable for use in offices, reception areas, hotels, restaurants, and residential properties to enhance comfort.

Available in two combinations of height and width the units can be supplied as 2 pipe or 4 pipe versions for use in cooling or heating depending upon the season.

The units are fitted with quiet yet powerful crossflow EC/DC fans/motors to ensure that there is no short-circuiting of the cool air at low level. EC/DC fans ensure high operating efficiency and optimised controllability.

Features and benefits

  • Made in Leicester, UK
  • Independently tested to BS EN 16430
  • Installed beneath floor-to-ceiling windows to unobtrusively offset heat gains and enhance comfort
  • Warm air is drawn into the trench and passes through the coil/heat exchanger, being cooled and then blown towards the window. A circulation of air is set up in the room with warm air constantly being treated in the trench
  • Suitable for installation in screeded or suspended floors
  • Trench units are used in offices, reception areas, hotels, restaurants and residential properties
  • Units can be supplied as 4 pipe or 2 pipe versions. 4 pipe units allow water heating to help eliminate cold draughts. 2 pipe units can be used for heating in a changeover system. 
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