• Product: MEA Suspended Lighting
  • Product: MEA Suspended Lighting
  • Product: MEA Suspended Lighting
  • Product: MEA Suspended Lighting
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MEA Suspended Lighting

by Mount Lighting

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This functional light is the perfect solution for educational facilities. Many schools are still limiting themselves by using fluorescent lamps throughout their premises and this can not only impact their energy usage but also student health.

Glare and flicker can also negatively impact not only the students but the teachers as well. Utilizing LED lighting can enhance focus, aid concentration and improve the overall mood and behaviour in students. Classrooms require a uniform distribution of light, avoiding harsh shadows or excessive modelling and the MEA luminaire provides that.

The luminaire is constructed using 0.5mm sheet steel which is powder-coated in a white finish. The diffuser section is manufactured as a single extruded acrylic curve that spreads the light onto the ceiling whilst providing a high level of downwards light. There is also a presence detection available to make sure that the lighting is only used when students or teachers are occupying a room, helping improve energy efficiency.

Key Features
  • Secure 4 point fixing system
  • Can be wall or ceiling mounted
  • Presence detection options
  • Anti-tamper end cap fixings
  • 3000K available
  • Opal diffuser as standard
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1 Revision

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Available Software
  • Logo: Autodesk Revit





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