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  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Generic, Model, Object, 14, Superglass, insulation, ltd, thermal, multi, roll, 44
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Superglass Multi-Roll 44

by Superglass Insulation Ltd.

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Superglass Multi-Roll 44 is a lightweight, non-combustible glass mineral wool insulation roll. The flexible roll is perforated to allow easy installation between common joist spacings and minimum

on-site cutting and waste.


Superglass Multi-Roll 44 is mainly used to provide thermal and acoustic insulation in lofts/cold roofs. However, it can be used in a number of other applications where a lightweight glass mineral wool product is required.

Thermal Performance – Superglass Multi-Roll 44 has a thermal conductivity of 0.044W/mK.

Fire Performance -All Superglass products are deemed non-combustible and have a fire classification of A1 (the highest possible rating) when tested to BS EN 13501-1 Reaction to Fire.

This download includes the Multi-Roll 44 insulation range from Superglass

The Multi-Roll 44 range includes thicknesses ranging from 60mm to 200mm.


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