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MultiSafe Leak Detector Control Valve

by Reliance Valves

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Internet-enabled, the Leak Detector Control Valve provides ultimate leak detection and intelligent water management by constantly measuring water flow rate, pressure, temperature and hardness. When unusually high usage is detected or water is running for a long period of time, the isolating valve automatically shuts off the water supply and sends an instant alert by text or email. Even the smallest leak is detected thanks to microleak testing at regular intervals.

Features and benefits

• Constantly monitors water usage to safeguard plumbing and heating systems and identify potential system failures and leaks
• Automatically closes isolation valve and sends an alert when a leak is detected
• Regular microleakage monitoring function
• System profile built over seven days using the self-learning mode
• Settings can be adjusted to suit individual requirements, including holiday mode
• Includes temperature monitoring for frost protection and a water hardness monitor
• Monitor, control and change settings via a free user-friendly app

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit





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