1 Revision
The OB-72 is the door system that started it all for us. Born after our owners found they could not get great aluminium folding sliding doors for their building projects, their ambitious solution was to create a company capable of manufacturing the UK’s best quality doors, that’s backed by uncompromising levels of service.
The result was the OB-72, a cleverly designed, beautifully made and exquisitely finished sliding folding door system that features a unique free-glide running system.
Offering sightlines of 72mm and chamfered beading, it provides a more traditional style and given its innate strength, it means that it can accommodate door sets of up to twelve doors in a single configuration, as well as corner and bay set ups.
This download is for the Origin Global, OB-72 Aluminium Bi-fold Door (7+0)
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Bimstore on 22 December 2024
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