Superglass Party Wall Roll is a lightweight, non-combustible glass mineral wool insulation roll. The flexible roll is cut at 3x455mm widths to fit between standard wall ties spacings and to allow easy installation and minimum on-site cutting and waste. Manufactured at a minimum density of 18kg/m³.
Superglass Party Wall Roll is designed to provide thermal and acoustic insulation and help provide a zero u-value within masonry party or separating walls as described within Approved Document L1A (England & Wales) and Technical Handbook Section 6 (Scotland) respectively. Party Wall Roll may be
used as a component in a number of Robust Details Solutions including proprietary systems E-WM-22, E-WM-23 & E-WM-27 (England & Wales) and V-WM-27 (Scotland). It may also be used in party wall systems which require on-site pre-completion (England & Wales) or post-completion (Scotland) acoustic testing.
When installed in a masonry party or separating wall in conjunction with effective edge sealing it will negate the effect of thermal bypass associated with such walls whilst not diminishing their acoustic performance.
Thermal Performance – Superglass Party Wall Roll has a thermal conductivity of 0.036W/mK.
Fire Performance - All Superglass products are deemed non-combustible and have a fire classification of A1 (the highest possible rating) when tested to BS EN 13501-1 Reaction to Fire.
This download includes the Party Wall Roll insulation range from Superglass
The Party Wall Roll range includes thicknesses ranging from 75mm to 150mm.
Revision 2 - Implementation of the E-WM-27 Rigid Detail Sheet.
Revision 3 - Implementation of the E-WM-23 Rigid Detail Sheet.
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